Sponsored results & Affiliate advertisements disclosure

Clker.com is a free of charge service that provide its users with tools to share and draw free images. We advertise for other companies and that's how clker.com obtaines revenue. Some of those advertisments are titled sponsored results or sponsored ads. Those advertisements are products that are usually related to the picure or image your are viewing, are non-free, copyright protected and are sold at the destination links pointed to by their images.

You need to know that Clker.com will obtain a share of the money that advertiser will collect from you if you bought the product, which is usually referred to as Affiliate Advertising. You also need to know that all the sponsored results are generated automatically, and we never reviewed any of those products. Even though all our affiliates are reputable companies, yet since we did not review the products we cannot endorse or recommend them either. Any link to any product on our website is not an endorsement or recommendation of the product.

If you will buy any product from any ad placed on Clker.com, you are encouraged to do your own research and reach your own conclusions about the product before buying it.

Clker.com is owned by Rolera LLC, 2270 Route 30, Oswego, IL 60543 support\at\clker\dot\com